Danny Sandra obtained his PhD at the Faculty of Business and Economics (UAntwerp). In one minute, he explains why entrainment is relevant for organisations and how the model of spiritual leadership can influence this process.
The whole world is looking for an effective COVID-vaccine. Several logistics parties have cited that not only the development of the vaccine is a feat, but that the distribution too will be challenging. Is the logistical sector ready?
Walter Van Andel was finishing his PhD when the pandemic hit. It taught him valuable lessons about the content of his dissertation, and the value of being able to realign your perspective in the light of unexpected changes.
What do Jan, Sören and Lien have in common? All three are alumni Business Engineering: Management Information Systems at the University of Antwerp. All three work at The Master Labs. But they have very different jobs.
Economic Policy alumna Isabelle Cammaert works as an Attache in Human Resources at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this Q&A vlog, she explains what she does on a day-to-day basis, why she chose to do her Master’s in English and what achievement she’s most proud of.
Researchers of the University of Antwerp – Faculty of Business and Economics developed a transport model that allows the calculation of the cost of different transport chains. Find out more in this short movie starring Prof. Edwin van Hassel.
On Friday 21 August 2020, the very first digital ‘Corona-proof’ Urban Logistics Summer School 2020 took place. The event was organised by the Department of Transport and Regional Economics TPR. Prof. Roel Gevaers moderated an online discussion on ‘Best Practices & Applied Policies for Urban Logistics.
Pieter Uytterlinde obtained his master’s degree in Organisation and Management in 2012. He’s always had an entrepreneurial spirit. Recently, he created a new dating platform, called Date-a-Mate.
Now more than ever, aviation needs a training approach that is efficient and safe. Together with some big names in the aviation world, Sebastiaan Esselens (master’s student Business Engineering: Management Information Systems), created a model to make pilot training more varied and personalized.
Alumnus Arne Lahcen works as a cabinet member at the European Space Agency (ESA) in Italy. Together with the European Commission, they observed the consequences of Covid-19 from space, using the Copernicus programme and Sentinel satellites.
Natalie Danti studied Commercial Engineering at the University of Antwerp (former RUCA) and graduated in 1996. Since then, she worked and studied in 6 different countries. Currently, she is Commercial Lead at Pfizer in Italy, where she manages a sales and marketing team.
Roel Dom (social and economic sciences, 2012) is a young professional and economist for the World Bank in Washington, D.C. He is part of a team that aims to find macroeconomic policy strategies. This is his story.
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