
De fiscale hervorming van minister van Peteghem heeft onder meer tot doel arbeid minder te belasten. Dit nobel doel heeft echter, zoals het ontwerp nu is opgesteld, negatieve neveneffecten voor de risicokapitaalsector waardoor deze dreigt om België de rug toe te keren.  Als die financiering wegvalt, zullen veel toekomstgerichte bedrijven België verlaten op zoek naar fondsen voor de financiering van hun groei. Aldus wordt de hervorming een mokerslag voor ondernemend België en Vlaanderen.

The International Week on Sustainability (or iWeek), hosted by the Faculty of Business & Economics of the University of Antwerp, is a unique programme where students, academic and practitioners from all 5 continents come together to discuss the importance of sustainability in business and economics. Over the years, this intense, one week programme has been attended well over 160 Belgian and 180 international student. This year, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the I-week.

Every year, Black Friday kicks off the busiest and most crucial period for webshops and parcel players.
Researchers at the University of Antwerp conducted a sample about the functioning of parcel logistics and the broader eCommerce ecosystem. The questions were mainly situated around pain points within the parcels market, possible fraud by consumers, problems with delivery quality and modalities and abuse of returns.

The era of behavioural big data has created new avenues for data science research, with many new contributions stemming from academic researchers. Yet data controlled by platforms, such as Facebook, Tiktok or Youtube, have become increasingly difficult for academics to access. Authors Travis Greene, David Martens and Galit Shmueli discuss the consequences, and encourage academics to take on new roles in promoting platform transparency and public debate.

In her PhD, Lissa Melis focused on answering the following research question: how can we organize public bus transport in a more sustainable, flexible and efficient way? She introduced the concept of ‘on-demand bus transport’. Curious about how that would work and what the difference would be with, say, Uber taxis? Read more in this month’s research column.

Disruptions in the (maritime) supply chain are well known. The challenges of the logistics sector reached the consumer in his/her seat in the living room through all kinds of news channels. No shipping, no shopping. There is a (hopefully not temporary) growing recognition that maritime supply chains play a vital role. But what keeps high-level managers in the logistics sector awake?

In the past few months, the University of Antwerp volunteered to act as national delegate for the GUESSS Project 2021. GUESSS stands for Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey – an international project. In 2021, the project collected 267,366 survey responses from 58 countries. In order to stimulate student participation and support young entrepreneurs at the same time, we raffled vouchers from local businesses.