Opinie: “Geen venture zonder kapitaal”
De fiscale hervorming van minister van Peteghem heeft onder meer tot doel arbeid minder te belasten. Dit nobel doel heeft echter, zoals het ontwerp nu is opgesteld, negatieve neveneffecten voor de risicokapitaalsector waardoor deze dreigt om België de rug toe te keren. Als die financiering wegvalt, zullen veel toekomstgerichte bedrijven België verlaten op zoek naar fondsen voor de financiering van hun groei. Aldus wordt de hervorming een mokerslag voor ondernemend België en Vlaanderen.

Sustainability (ESG) beyond Woke and Compliance
The International Week on Sustainability (or iWeek), hosted by the Faculty of Business & Economics of the University of Antwerp, is a unique programme where students, academic and practitioners from all 5 continents come together to discuss the importance of sustainability in business and economics. Over the years, this intense, one week programme has been attended well over 160 Belgian and 180 international student. This year, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the I-week.

First sample of UAntwerp’s annual parcel survey yields interesting results for webshops and parcel companies
Every year, Black Friday kicks off the busiest and most crucial period for webshops and parcel players.
Researchers at the University of Antwerp conducted a sample about the functioning of parcel logistics and the broader eCommerce ecosystem. The questions were mainly situated around pain points within the parcels market, possible fraud by consumers, problems with delivery quality and modalities and abuse of returns.

Hoe familiebedrijven kunnen omgaan met strategische verandering
Researchers van de UAntwerpen en UHasselt publiceerden onlangs een projectwebsite, waarop ze resultaten publiceren over hun onderzoek naar strategische veranderingen en veranderingsbereidheid in familiebedrijven. Dit grootschalig onderzoeksproject wordt gefinancierd door het SBO-programma van het Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO).

Barriers to academic data science research by digital platforms
The era of behavioural big data has created new avenues for data science research, with many new contributions stemming from academic researchers. Yet data controlled by platforms, such as Facebook, Tiktok or Youtube, have become increasingly difficult for academics to access. Authors Travis Greene, David Martens and Galit Shmueli discuss the consequences, and encourage academics to take on new roles in promoting platform transparency and public debate.

On-demand bus transport: towards a more performant public transport system
In her PhD, Lissa Melis focused on answering the following research question: how can we organize public bus transport in a more sustainable, flexible and efficient way? She introduced the concept of ‘on-demand bus transport’. Curious about how that would work and what the difference would be with, say, Uber taxis? Read more in this month’s research column.

“Laat koeriers op één locatie leveren”
Eén vaste leveringsdag per week voor alle bestelde pakjes is niet realistisch, schrijft Joris Beckers (UAntwerpen). Maar een ruimtelijke bundeling met een levering op één plek biedt wel opportuniteiten.

Join forces, and take action!
Disruptions in the (maritime) supply chain are well known. The challenges of the logistics sector reached the consumer in his/her seat in the living room through all kinds of news channels. No shipping, no shopping. There is a (hopefully not temporary) growing recognition that maritime supply chains play a vital role. But what keeps high-level managers in the logistics sector awake?

“Het beantwoorden van reviews beïnvloedt verkoopcijfers”
Bijna iedereen leest wel eens reviews op het internet. Die reacties (en de manier waarop een onderneming er al dan niet op reageert) hebben wel degelijk invloed op de consument, blijkt uit het doctoraatsonderzoek van Ana Isabel Lopes (UAntwerpen).

UAntwerp collaborates with local, young entrepreneurs for the GUESSS Project
In the past few months, the University of Antwerp volunteered to act as national delegate for the GUESSS Project 2021. GUESSS stands for Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey – an international project. In 2021, the project collected 267,366 survey responses from 58 countries. In order to stimulate student participation and support young entrepreneurs at the same time, we raffled vouchers from local businesses.

Why pursuing a PhD is not monotonous or lonely
During the past four years, Loïc De Weerdt pursued a PhD in Environmental Economics. From day one, as a member of the “EnvEcon” research group, he was immersed in a close-knit group of international researchers. Overall, enrolling in the PhD programme has been one of his best decisions.

Phd for Executives: where practice meets theory
Ilse Daelman is Managing Director at the Antwerp Management School (AMS) and one of the first graduates of the Executive PhD programme, which is offered by AMS together with the University of Antwerp. She successfully defended her doctoral thesis on understanding entrepreneurial motives in March this year.

Leerstoel ‘BNP Paribas Fortis Transport, Logistiek en Havens’ is na tien jaar nog springlevend
De leerstoel ‘BNP Paribas Fortis Transport, Logistiek en Havens’ verbonden aan de Universiteit Antwerpen, is na meer dan tien jaar nog lang niet uitgepraat. In september wordt feestelijk teruggeblikt op de realisaties van het afgelopen decennium, én volop vooruit gekeken. Duurzaamheid, technologie, de groeiende goederenstroom … Heel wat mooie opportuniteiten voor de verschillende spelers uit de maritieme sector om de komende jaren echt een verschil te maken. De verlenging van de leerstoel tot 30 september 2023 ligt dan ook voor de hand.

Grijp het momentum aan en til crisisbeheer naar een hoger niveau
Corona leerde en leert ons dat we als samenleving heel snel moeten kunnen schakelen. De experts die zetelden in de Kamercommissie Aanpak COVID-19, pleiten dan ook voor een interfederaal agentschap voor crisisbeheer. Dit opiniestuk werd geschreven voor de bijzondere Kamercommissie Aanpak COVID-19 door Prof. Hugo Marynissen (UAntwerpen) en zijn collega-experten.

Research column: “during the past four years, something magical happened”
Three months after her PhD defense on the topic of decentralized energy systems, Iolanda Saviuc took a moment to reflect on her PhD process. She became curious about the connection that people who did a PhD share and wondered what is behind this connection. In her research column she compares her PhD journey with the the classic divide between ‘hedgehogs’ and ‘foxes’, people knowing one thing and in-depth, and people knowing many things, not in-depth.

On the winners and losers of the Corona crisis: a K-shaped recovery
The pandemic has a very unequal impact on different industries, companies and individuals. A part of the economy quickly recovers, and sometimes even performs better than ever (big tech firms for example), while other industries do not recover at all (tourism for example). This blog is a summary of the ‘Corona & Onze Economie: Wat Nu?’ lecture, hosted by student association Wikings NSK and alumni organisation Alechia VZW.

“You live in a house with a bunch of strongly opinionated roommates” | Loren Pauwels about her 7,5 year-long PhD journey
Loren Pauwels recently wrapped up her PhD journey after 7,5 years. In her own words, she shares her research experiences at the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Back to the 50ies! About retro mobility, retro logistics and retro shopping…
Today, there are many innovative projects on logistics, mobility, car use and local commerce organised in governments. But are we really talking about innovations? or are we talking about retro mobility, retro logistics and retro shopping? We are convinced the next decade will be defined by the reintroduction of many customs from the ’50s and ’60s.

Distribution strategies for the Corona vaccine: Free up hands in hospitals and reduce the risk of losing doses
Using hospitals as distribution hubs initially seemed a logical choice for storage and distribution of vaccines. However, the increased workload for the hospital staff and an increased risk of losing vaccines must be taken into account. The Think Tank Vaccine Distribution looked into different scenarios.

How much money do you want to spend on our climate?
During Economie Ontcijferd, Prof. Steven Van Passel, talks about the economic implications of climate action and inaction. A brief summary.