With a major prevention project, our university is focusing even more strongly on the mental well-being of its students. Truyken Ossenblok and Femme Swinnen from the Study Advice and Student Counselling Service are in charge of this project. And they want to involve as many colleagues as possible.
The Keep Moving Challenge has ended. Throughout the month of March, 866 participants – UAntwerp staff and students – did a lot of extra walking, running and cycling, registering the minutes they were physically active. They ultimately raised 4550 euros for the fund for students in financial need.
Campus Drie Eiken will be undergoing a major makeover over the next few years. This autumn, construction will start on new student facilities at what is now Car Park 3. That means that 31 young trees have to make way for a new sports hall and student accommodation. But instead of chopping down these 31 alders, planted there just two years ago, we decided to replant them.
Alain Verschoren, a passionate professor of mathematics and charming leader, died on 27 November 2020. To help compensate, the university has made a film portrait of its former rector.
With just one and a half weeks to go, 150 teams have already reached the final goal of the Keep Moving Challenge. That means our university will donate at least 150 times 20 euros (3000 euros!) to the fund for students in financial need. But what exactly does this fund do?
The first week of our Keep Moving Challenge has flown by, as have the exercise minutes. But with their final goal already achieved, they’re not resting on their laurels. Like team C’mon Sis, a merry gang of four colleagues from the Department of Social, Cultural and Student Services. They kept a diary during their first week of this challenge.
A Feather in Your Cap: the feather is a prize passed on from one UAntwerp colleague to another in recognition of their efforts or achievements. This month, Sarah Rohaert (Faculty of Social Sciences) passes the feather on to Werner Coppieters (Faculty of Design Sciences).
In March, we’ll be putting our best foot forward again during the Keep Moving Challenge, logging as much exercise time as possible for a good cause. But by now, you probably know the walking and biking paths in your area like the back of your hand, so you might want an extra challenge, or an alternative route. That’s why we’ve put some tips together to keep things fresh and fun during this month’s Keep Moving Challenge.
It looks like spring is here, but just last month our campuses lay under a beautiful blanket of snow. We’re awarding UAntwerp scarfs to the creators of our favourite three snowy pictures.
In November of last year, many employees took on the challenge of reaching one million steps as a team. It was a resounding success, so we’re launching a new challenge in March. This time, we’ll be moving for a good cause, and students can also participate. Why did so many people participate last year? And what’s different this time, other than the reward?
How do our employees feel in their day-to-day work? What causes stress? And how has the coronavirus pandemic affected our wellbeing? At UAntwerp, we’ve launched a new wellbeing survey to find the answers to these questions. ‘The more people participate, the better we can make our policies.’
UAntwerp has launched the symbolic video game Corona Combat to mark the start of the second semester. Students, staff and sympathisers can bring out their inner Herman Goossens, Pierre Van Damme or Erika Vlieghe and do battle with virus particles. Professors Van Damme and Vlieghe had the honour of being the first to test the game.