A Feather in Your Cap: the feather is a prize passed on from one UAntwerp colleague to another in recognition of their efforts or achievements. This month Janus Verrelst (USOS) passes the feather on to Devanshi Saxena (Faculty of Law).
It may have taken blood, sweat and tears, but more than 2000 international students have found their way to our university this year – even amidst a pandemic. ‘Postponing everything for this virus? I don’t think so. Life goes on’, says Bernara Bakhtiiar from Kyrgyzstan.
Managing a team is not quite the same when your team members are sitting at their kitchen tables. What are the main challenges and pitfalls of this way of working? We asked Marjolijn De Clercq (HR Department), Professor Jan Steckel (CoSys-Lab) and Koen Pepermans (director of the Faculty of Social Sciences) about their approach.
Tom Breugelmans took over from Walter Sevenhans as the dean of the Faculty of Applied Engineering on 1 September. Tom is an engineer, lecturer, spokesman for the ELCAT research group and researcher in the field of electrochemical engineering. And now a dean, too. But who is the man behind the dean?
Even in this unusual year, the number of new enrolments at our university has once again increased. By 10 October, 2935 students had enrolled at the University of Antwerp after their final year of secondary education. That’s an increase of about 2%.
As the new school year kicked off for pupils on 1 September, a new chapter was starting for Elisabeth Vanhoutte at the University of Antwerp too as head of the Communications Department. We look back on her first month at UAntwerp.
Last year, our university received more than 2 million euros in donations for the first time. A great boost for the University of Antwerp Fund, which is launching a new campaign.
Welcome to the Pintra Blog! You’ve found your way to the University of Antwerp’s new blog for staff. The successor of the Pintra Magazine as well. We explain why we are switching from a paper magazine to a digital blog in this article.
With all eyes fixed on a vaccine for the coronavirus, it’d be easy to forget how important the flu vaccine is for many people. And now more than ever, explains UAntwerp’s Professor Pierre Van Damme, head of the Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV).
Get ready for the most colourful page on this Pintra Blog. A page filled with flowers – lots of flowers.
Even in these unusual times, the start of the academic year did not pass unmarked. Lots of people put their heads together during the summer to figure out how to make it a successful start to the year. The result was a fine example of teamwork and a warm welcome: both digitally and physically.
How do you get more than 20,000 students to take exams while respecting the social distancing rules? The taskforce for corona-proof exams explains.