
As so many others, the culture sector did not escape the impact of the corona virus either. Concerts got canceled, museums closed their doors. The sector reacted quickly and switched to online alternatives. As a result, Prof. dr. Dr Annick Schramme and Nathalie Verboven took part in setting up a large-scale public survey to discover the impact of the crisis on the cultural experience. Will the Flemish people return to the theaters, or is the online alternative here to stay?

Can a fiscal stimulus help bring back jobs for those struck by the Covid-19 recession? Research by Roland Winker (University of Antwerp), Christian Bredemeier and Falko Juessen (University of Wuppertal) indicates that it depends on how the stimulus is designed. A cut in the tax rate on labor income performs best in stimulating job creation for those who have borne the brunt of job losses.

In retrospect, Joris Beckers’ PhD was a mix of heights and lows, of opportunism and altruism, of freedom and pressure, and many more dualities. While these challenges are not necessarily different from other endeavours in life, he believes it is the extent of the contrasts that really sets this job apart. Coping with these extremes required some unique factors.