In these corona times, Els Crauwels, working at the dean’s office at FBD, gives yoga sessions on YouTube. Release the stress with these yoga exercises.
A lockdown, even a lockdown light, can be extra hard if you are an international student or staff member. MONDO, our university’s international community, invites you to a weekly virtual Coffee Break to exchange experiences or just have a chat.
As the weeks in lockdown go by, you start looking for new routes to cycle, or even better, you start turning your bike rides into experiments. Like cycling the University of Antwerp logo, for example
Patrice Perreault, teacher at the Institute of Environment & Sustainable Development, finds it interesting to see how …
On Friday 17 April, Vice-rector for Research Ronny Blust had a virtual conversation with around twenty researchers from the University of Antwerp. During the conversation it became clear that this crisis offers the necessary hope, solidarity and time to reflect on the future.
How to start building a strong network when you can’t even meet your own colleagues in person anymore? To address this, we started a virtual Postdoc Community.
Normally, I’d be starting a new type of experiment in the lab around this time. Because of the corona measures that’s not possible. Luckily there is sambal and the smallest room in the house!
The lockdown situation doesn’t exactly help you stay active. That’s a pity, because it’s especially important to …
A few days after everyone started working from home, we planned a Skype for Business conference call …
“When’s the best time for meetings with small children in the house?”
These are strange times for everyone. Our campus poet Noor Intisar put pen to paper and wrote …
Online teaching is great. I’m really motivated. The challenge is to avoid loneliness during distant learning. For students and teachers. But it’s a challenge we can overcome!