Unifiesta celebrations chase the thunderstorms away

Our annual staff party Unifiesta finally took place again on 19 May 2022, three years after the previous edition. The sun, musical colleagues, go-karts, good food and drinks made it a fantastic edition. We made a summary of the highlights for you so you can relive these special moments.

The musical highlights were the performances by Amalgama, DJ Captain Thunderlipz and Mission Kowalski. The latter also brought along some special guests, including singer Xenia Geysemans’s colleagues at Pastoral Care, and none other than Rector Herman Van Goethem.

‘t Rockend Geprofte – headliner at the previous edition of Unifiesta – could not be there this year, but still wants to share this warm message. ‘As you have seen, ‘t Rockend Geprofte couldn’t make it this year. We are truly very sorry. Many of you talked to us about this, but unfortunately there was no other way. HOWEVER! The performances were far more than worthy replacements. Just AMAZING. The term ‘Pastoral Care’will have a completely different dimension from now on. We were also very touched that they, together with the rector, wanted to cover one of our songs (wink). Next year, a Unifiestival? Then perhaps ‘t Rockend Geprofte can be the supporting act for these great performers.’

Want to enjoy Unifiesta even more? Take a look at the photo album (don’t forget to log in with your UAntwerp account).