The feather – Miet Kuppens

A Feather in Your Cap: the feather is a prize passed on from one UAntwerp colleague to another in recognition of their efforts or achievements. This time, Noel Clycq (Training and Education Sciences) passes the feather on to Miet Kuppens (Faculty of Social Sciences).

Hello Miet,

Our desks are on the same floor, maybe twenty metres apart, and yet we’ve hardly seen each other these past two years. No need to go into the how and why, but I do want to start off by saying, as we all often do these days, that I hope you’re well.

Just the other day I was wondering how you were doing. You always have so many different things going on, in your roles as CIKO expert and diversity expert. With lots of enthusiasm and passion, you and your colleagues always ensure that everything runs as smoothly as can be expected in these trying times. You ensure that our education – whether it’s online or on campus – is never compromised, and you think about ways we can decolonise that very education.

Hopefully, during all this, you’re also looking out for yourself.

That’s why I want to put the Feather in your cap. Thank you for all your efforts, and for initiating so many important processes aimed at improving everyday life at the Faculty of Social Sciences and UAntwerp at large.

I also miss those fleeting conversations we used to have in the doorway every now and then, about everything and nothing. In these conversations, you showed a great sense of humour, but also an unrelenting drive to tackle injustice and to increase mutual understanding and recognition.

Your versatility always shone through whenever we talked. You even taught me to look at my own desk differently. Because of you, I now know that my desk is actually the thermostat of our hallway. That’s good to know, although there’s also some pressure involved, because I’m not sure I understand exactly. Is it better for my colleagues that my desk is colder, so that everyone gets a bit warmer, or is it the other way round? I’m guessing it’s the former. Right?

Hope to see you soon.

Warmest regards,
