The Diversity & Inclusion Team organised focus groups to explore the experiences of colleagues with disabilities. Those who have invisible needs such as with autism, ADHD, or chronic illnesses, often hesitate to speak up, fearing misunderstanding or lack of change. The discussions highlighted a strong need for role models, a safe environment, and clear information about available support. Flexibility in work arrangements and practical adjustments were also seen as essential. Two colleagues share their experiences here.
Hearing and being understood: the challenge of hearing loss in the workplace
To my 22-year-old self, who took years to tell colleagues that I don’t hear well.
“If I want to create awareness about anything, it’s about how much invisible energy it takes to ‘simply function’ in the workplace. I’m not even talking about performing well or badly, but simply about keeping up. The effort this takes is often underestimated, especially with an invisible disability like hearing loss. I suspect the same applies to people with autism, ADHD or the like.”
Communication remains a challenge
“In team meetings, I’m constantly reminded of this. I regularly have to ask them to repeat something. If someone sits to my left or is too far away, they have to speak loudly and clearly to be understood. Sometimes I sit and stare and think: What is that person actually saying? However, my I-don’t-understand-you look is very similar to my what-you’re-saying-is-complete-nonsense look, which sometimes causes misunderstandings. I noticed that colleagues sometimes interpreted my doubtful look as arrogant, or they thought I was slow-witted because I asked for something to be repeated so often.”
The step to openness
“Nevertheless, I kept quiet about my partial deafness for a long time. Pride played a part: I didn’t want to be a burden, wanted to continue functioning independently. But eventually I decided to share it anyway. The first time I was tense about it, but the positive response I got quickly made it a non-issue. I noticed how important the attitude of colleagues is: their understanding and patience made me feel comfortable to be open about things.“
“Since I started talking about it, it’s usually been taken into account. Colleagues repeat things without getting frustrated, talk a bit louder or pay attention to their articulation. The trust built up step by step: first with two immediate colleagues, then with my entire team and supervisor. Nevertheless, I still weigh the pros and cons of telling someone. If I notice they’re irritated, I’m more likely to keep it to myself.”
From apology to self-care
“My way of communicating has also changed. I used to say it almost apologetically – ‘I can’t hear well’ – but now I word it in terms of my needs: ‘Could you repeat that? I can’t hear well’ or ‘I’ll sit somewhere else so that as many people as possible sit to my right and I can follow things better.”
Small adjustments, big difference
“It’s important to discover what works for you and be okay with that. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution.”
“My tip for colleagues? Be patient and empathetic. I always think: It might be annoying for you to repeat something, but it’s twice as annoying for me. That realisation also helps me to be more empathetic towards others myself. Everyone has their own obstacles, visible or not. And a little understanding makes a world of difference in that regard.”

Dyslexia in the workplace: obstacle as well as asset
“I’ve actually turned my weakness into my job. That thought occurred to me when I still had an enormous amount of writing work as a researcher. Nowadays, as a research manager, I still work on project applications every day: reading, proofreading, writing and rewriting or restructuring. And all of that while being dyslexic.”
“For a long time, I only saw my dyslexia as an obstacle. My reading is slower, my writing requires more effort and without spell check or an extra proofreading, errors creep into my texts. I have an instinctive resistance to long pieces of text. I know it’s best to print them out, divide them into pieces and proofread them at a quiet moment. But gradually I discovered that the adjustments I had developed for myself are actually just workable strategies. Moreover, the available technology has also evolved tremendously: spell checkers are improving every day, AI helps to create summaries, and so on.”
Dyslexia as an alternative way of thinking
“Some time ago, I read an article about how people with dyslexia are often strong, general thinkers. They can oversee complex problems and make connections between different domains. And then I thought: yes, that fits perfectly with the job I’m doing now.“
“My work often revolves around bringing together different areas of expertise within a research project. I quickly see the connections, the big picture, the missing pieces of the puzzle. At my previous workplace, I was even explicitly asked: ‘You always think out-of-the-box. What do you think about this?’ Apparently, the way my brain works – how I process, combine and structure information – was actually an added value.”
Working with your talents, not against your obstacles
“I was diagnosed as early as the first grade, yet teachers regularly made a fool of me in front of the entire class. They flat out said that I was lazy or made me read out loud in front of the class. That lack of understanding and those humiliations had a lot of impact on my self-esteem. I often hear this from other dyslexics as well. That’s why getting my PhD was such a huge boost for me: ‘See? I can do it.’”
“Over the years, I’ve come to embrace my dyslexia more and more. That doesn’t mean it’s no longer challenging. For example, I avoid live typing in meetings – the thought of everyone immediately seeing my mistakes stresses me out. But I now know what works for me: proofreading with fresh eyes, scheduling extra time for complex texts and using – but definitely not blindly trusting – the spell checker.”
“I’m lucky that my job is flexible. I can adjust my working methods without bothering anyone. If I need to read a long text, I’ll schedule this for a quiet moment. If I’ve written an important email, I’ll leave it for a while and look at it again later. Those small adjustments make a world of difference. But not everyone has that freedom. For those in a job where tight deadlines and standardised tasks are the norm, dyslexia can be a big challenge.”
An inclusive workplace starts with understanding
“I’ve never had an official conversation about my dyslexia with my current supervisor. With my first supervisor I did. She was a psychologist and was very understanding. That definitely strengthened my belief that dyslexia is absolutely possible in the academic workplace. At one point, I just casually mentioned it in a meeting. Colleagues know, and that’s enough. When we prepare a presentation, a native English-speaking colleague quickly reads through my text. Just as I help her with other things. It comes naturally.”
“However, not everyone feels equally comfortable being open about neurodiversity in the workplace. The way colleagues and supervisors react often determines whether someone feels it’s safe to share. My advice to supervisors, therefore, is simple: ask questions and listen without judging. Not ‘Oh, you’re dyslexic, so that means that…’ but rather ‘What does dyslexia mean in your case? How do you experience it? What do you need?’”
This doesn’t only apply to neurodiversity, by the way. Everyone has something. Some have a parent who needs care, others struggle with stress or mental health. True inclusion means looking at the person behind the job and figuring out what someone needs to flourish.
From frustration to talent-based working
“In academia, researchers are often expected to excel in all fields: research, teaching, science communication…the list goes on. But why not focus more on talent? Why force someone who does brilliant research to also be a great teacher if being in front of a class of students really doesn’t suit them?”
“I see the same thing happening with neurodiversity. Instead of focusing on the difficulties, we can look at the unique qualities a person brings to the table. Many people with ADHD often excel in creative, innovative thinking. Some people with autism can work incredibly accurately with large data sets. And people with dyslexia – like me – are often strong abstract thinkers. If we focus on these strengths, neurodiversity becomes an asset rather than an obstacle.”
Working at UAntwerp: finding the right place
“UAntwerp has a wide range of job opportunities, but a good work experience depends mainly on where you end up. The team, the feeling that you’re allowed to be who you are, the job content and flexibility play a massive role.“
“For me, a pleasant workplace is about an environment where everyone can be themselves and use their talents. A strong team is built on a shared culture and mutual understanding, not just rules.”
“Whether you perform well in a job depends not only on the employer, but also on how well a position suits you. Sometimes it’s a matter of experience and growth, sometimes just ending up in the right place. So far, I’ve been very lucky in that respect.”
Some advice
For managers: be empathetic, listen and create a safe environment where employees dare to express their needs. Small adjustments can make a big difference. Also, keep the conversation going. Someone’s needs can evolve, so it’s good to ask from time to time: Is this still working for you? Do you need extra support with anything?
For colleagues: be patient and understanding. Someone who asks for repetition isn’t slow; they’re just trying to function at their best.
For people with dyslexia (or other neurodiverse features): find out what works for you, and be okay with that. You don’t have to keep hitting the same wall. And who knows, maybe what you once thought was your biggest weakness is actually your biggest strength.
More information
Want to learn more about our disability policy for staff or read more testimonials? Visit this Pintra page for more information.