Krijgen patiënten die ChatGPT gebruiken om medische informatie op te zoeken wel correcte informatie? Deze simpele, maar erg belangrijke vraag stelde Branco De Busser zich in zijn masterthesis in de farmaceutische wetenschappen.
Seas and oceans harbor countless undiscovered treasures. One of these is the seagrass Thalassia, specifically the species Thalassia testudinum. Long recognized for its ecological importance, this marine plant serves as a vital food source for creatures like sea turtles and plays a key role in protecting vulnerable Caribbean coastal ecosystems. Recently, scientists have discovered that Thalassia contains significant anti-carcinogenic compounds, capturing the attention of researchers and marine science biomedical institutes.
Serpil, Sevgi en Fatma Degirmenci. Drie zussen, alle drie afgestudeerd aan de Universiteit Antwerpen. Serpil en Sevgi in de farmaceutische wetenschappen, Fatma in de biomedische wetenschappen. Na hun studies kozen ze er alle drie voor om ook de educatieve master in de gezondheidswetenschappen te volgen.
The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences recently showcased the innovative research of its Ph.D. students during their annual departmental research day. This event highlighted a diverse array of projects, reflecting the department’s commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and improving public health.