
M’as-tu-vu. According to the Larousse dictionary, the French phrase can be used as both a noun or adjective wherein an individual’s ostentatiousness, pretentiousness or even vanity is indicated. It is a manner of speaking I often think of when I spend my time scrolling down my Instagram-feed in a mindless search for travel content. And it seems I am not the only one. Ostentatious travel pictures on social media that scream ‘Look where I have been’ …

Dear Sisters and Friends, Dear Fellow Killjoys*, Feminism still matters. To my ears, it almost sounds absurd to start a blog post – or rather an open letter – on International Women’s Day (IDW) with such a cliché statement. After all, the 8th of March is a day to commemorate women’s achievements over time. We freed ourselves from male guardianship and oppressing private spheres. We obtained the right to work for our gain and open a bank account in our name. We won the right to vote. Over a year ago, our research unit created our own Feminist Circle: a safe space for academics …

This fascinating passage of a nobleman’s journey to the Near East implicitly demonstrates how defending one’s honour – as noblemen ought to do even in such foreign circumstances – implies particular expressions of medieval masculine behaviour and social status. When masculine performances were retained or restricted, the passage also reveals how …