The feather is a prize passed on from one UAntwerp colleague to another in recognition of their efforts or achievements. This time, Prorector Herman Van Goethem passes the feather on to the whole Rector’s Office.
Dear team
At the start of this new year, I look back on my eight years as rector with a sense of contentment. It was a period as fantastic as it was hectic! Only now do I fully realise how heavy the weight to be borne was.
Professors have a reputation for being absent-minded, and in that respect I do credit to my colleague Gobelijn. But actually we are not ‘ distracted’. On the contrary, the problem is the focused overconcentration on certain things, which threatens to ‘throw the rest off the wagon’. As rector, however, I knew I was supported by a staff who kept a close watch, stood by me and who steered me, sometimes literally, in the right direction.

Katrien Dickele and Joëlle Pletinckx, Sonja Apers, Dirk Beckers, Andrea Aerts… They were indispensable, not only because of their own expertise, but also because of their holistic approach. The hectic and overflowing schedule, the countless emails and questions, etc. But also the briefcase, the coat, the keys and sometimes the discreet pointers on matters like the home front or lack of sleep. I’m equally grateful to Herman Deumens and Viv Lefever, who stood by me during my inaugural period. And not forgetting my team of chauffeurs: Luk Ysenbaardt, Peter Rutter and Bart Fredrickx. In my first weeks as rector I didn’t yet realise how crucial they were; to my mind, having a chauffeur was the same as having a golden carriage. Before long, I knew better. And they were quick to learn something as well: before he closes the front door, you always ask the rector if he has his keys in his pocket!

I don’t know if my successor Herwig will need guidance in those kinds of areas. What I do know for certain is that he has amazing staff members at his disposal. So here’s your very well-deserved feather!
Best regards
Herman Van Goethem