The CoViD-19 pandemic may be endangering progress made in gender equality.
This volume adopts a global perspective, and demonstrates that both industrial gold mining and artisanal and small-scale gold mining are functionally integrated into a global gold production system.
Which measures have been taken around the world to contain the spread of CoViD-19? What is the level of popular support for these measures in different countries? How are they enforced? How did different countries make the decisions on which measures to take? We asked our 1158 IOB alumni and our 77 current IOB students.
Par rapport à Ebola, nous constatons des effets beaucoup plus importants de Covid-19 sur les revenus, l’accès à la nourriture et le comportement. Outre les effets socio-économiques immédiats, il y aura probablement de graves effets à long terme.
Compared to Ebola, we find much larger effects of Covid-19 on revenues, access to food and behaviour. Besides the immediate socioeconomic effects, there will likely be severe long-term effects.
The migrant farm worker strike in Italy is a call for cross-sectoral solidarity to build bottom-up and just visions of the future constructed around people, food and the planet.
‘Practices that make people worse off aren’t likely to survive’ wrote Peter Leeson. So what is the rationale behind witchraft beliefs in the artisanal mining sector in eastern DRC?
Ze bestaan, nationalisten die ook kosmopolitisch denken, en ze zijn niet van de minste. Ze pleiten weliswaar voor een bepaald soort nationalisme, en ze situeren nationale identiteit ook in een breder scala van identiteiten, inclusief, uiteraard, de rechten en plichten verbonden met de identiteit “mens”.
In sum, the reform deepened existing inequalities in the provision of public services while failing to comprehensively control the teaching workforce.
Giving-receiving-paying back is growing in collective spaces mediated by rules that are connected with virtuous endogenous institutions of the people themselves. Within this framework, how can distributing (“paying back”) in the cooperatives be the key for growing with equity? Perhaps diminishing is growing?
We conceive of the cooperative as a rooted organization that could take on stewardship in their communities.
NB: This post is part of a symposium on law and global value chains co-convened with the Institute for …