Undocumented or informal workers have rights in Belgium, like any other worker. But often they are unaware of this, or too afraid of deportation to report violations.
Having documents is the key to many other causes of inherent vulnerabilities of migrant workers, such as cultural and language barriers.
Who is to blame in cases of forced labour? We have made a society wherein exploitation is not only possible, but is the best choice for millions of people.
What challenges are migrant workers in Belgium facing? And what does this have to do with globalization?
Can private actors in mineral supply chains be held to account? Our research suggests they can be, if four conditions are met.
Si la Commission Spéciale veut être plus qu’une discussion symbolique, elle devra aussi se pencher sur la manière de nos comportements envers les Afro-descendants dans notre société et surtout sur la manière dont nous pouvons répondre aux besoins du Congo aujourd’hui.
If Belgium wants its Commission on the colonial past to be more than a mere symbolic gesture, it needs to reckon with how we come to terms with that past and with different identities and discrimination in our society, and above all, how we can meet the needs of Congo today.
Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) provides incomes to an estimated 42 million of individuals around the world, yet systematic data on miners’ earnings are lacking. We’ve developed a method to remedy this.
Conflict breaks trust. Genocidal violence obliterates it. Violent conflict always leads to a wide array of devastation. …
We must endeavor to go back to the drawing board and arrive at better solutions for activity monitoring, while having a continuous dialogue among all actors, including advocacy towards donors.
The white gaze permeates many aspects of even the most critical disciplines. In this piece, we offer some thoughts on how we might reclaim what the university could be.
How will CoViD-19 impact immigration governance and migration flows from Central America to the United States?